Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy LGBT Families Day!

it still amazes me that there are people in this country who believe that gay men and women can't, or shouldn't, be good parents. there are states where gay people can't adopt children. and in some of those states, gay people can be foster parents. so in other words, we can take care of someone else's kids while they're in drug rehab and taking parenting classes, but we're not good enough to keep the kids permanently. how silly to think that a child must have a male parent and a female parent in order to grow up happy and healthy. how many kids come from broken "heterosexual" homes? homes where the adults' relationship is unhealthy, where there is domestic violence, or where a single parent struggles to keep afloat. i know a good number of gay/lesbian couples with children who are providing a loving, healthy, happy home. where the kids are well adjusted, intelligent, and compassionate. what could be better than having 2 loving and devoted parents? it doesn't matter if one is a man, one is a woman, or both are men or women.
Gail and i are lucky to live in a state where we are able to be foster parents, and can get a dual-parent adoption if we get the right judge. we're fostering a wonderful little girl right now. she's about to turn 1 year old, and is funny and smart and very cute! we don't know what will happen with her case, but we know that if her bio-mother's parental rights are terminated, she may be adopted by a gay couple.

and that is how it should be.

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