Tuesday, April 22, 2008

falling baby

did anyone else see this story on CNN? it seems that a post office employee who was delivering a package to a house caught a 1 year old baby after she fell out of a 2nd story window.
the details tell us that the mother put the child down for a nap on a bed that was pushed against the wall under a window, and the window was open (no screen or anything). according to the mother, she turned her back for just a moment and the baby crawled out of the open window. the baby fell onto the head of the postal worker as she was standing below the window. luckily she had good reflexes and was able to grab the baby after being bonked on the head. she saved that child's life!
the story also says that no charges have been filed against the mother.
can you believe it!? no charges??????? that mother is an idiot and almost got her precious little girl killed! how can anyone be that stupid?
here's the link to the video of this story

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